Tuesday 6 March 2012

*Wanders in curiously, and glances around*. Oh! Hello there, world of Blogspot! I'm new here. Gosh, it's a bit lonely and empty here right now, huh? Well, anyway, allow me to introduce myself. I'm Adam (or Adzy, or Adzy-kins... whatever tickles your fancy)! Hmm... Let's see, I love people, I'm a musician and artist... *whispers* I can be a bit crazy (in a good way, obviously), and I can be a bit of a drama queen...  I'm a massive video game nerd and Gleek, and I LOVE anything Japanese! I'm gonna just aim to be myself, really. I've already pitched in that strange box to the right what I hope to achieve in this blog. So yeah... I hope you enjoy! <3

Adam. xx